
Thamesonline offers a page that will show help offered/needed by members of our community.
If you have something as simple as a bag of lemons or some time you can donate to help another person complete a task such as shopping.
or need such help yourself, please give us the details below or in the letterbox at 507 Pollen Street (Next to BNZ)
IMPORTANT: before offering help or visiting another member of the community, you need to read the latest Coronavirus advice here

Offering community help

Asking for community help

Help Offered


Help offered with online home schooling.
I have two uni degrees and heaps of experience working with kids from Kindy upwards.
Email Sue:   suefnicholls@gmail.com

Available until: this is an ongoing offer


This offer has started


This offer has finished

Help Wanted

Vitalise is YOUR Information Centre!

Find all you need at www.vitalise.kiwi

Get some real online advertising with a mini website from vitalise!

Use the form below to give us the information you would like shown on your Mini Website.