Link your business cards to a web page on Vitalise
- see us at 507 Pollen Street

This is a very simple competition.
It is open to all school pupils
aged from 6 to 20
and attending any school
in Thames, Paeroa, Waihi,
Ngatea or Hauraki.

One winner will be aged under 13
One winner will be aged over 13
Entries close on May 10th, 2022
Winners selected at random from correct entries

Find all the logos from 01 to 05 on the Vitalise website, and let us know on the form below on which pages you found them

When you have completed all the information below, please click below to send your entry to Vitalise. The first two correct entries drawn will be notified of their win and can then collect $100
from our office at 507 Pollen Street Thames.

Some clues to get you started:

Lucky Logo 01 is on a page
where you might go if your pet needed something

Lucky Logo 02 is on a page
where you might go if your house was flooded

Lucky Logo 03 is on a page
where you might find a job

Lucky Logo 04 is on a page
where members get free copying

Lucky Logo 05
- this is classified information

Tell others about this competition

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