Deals from local businesses and services in the Thames, Paeroa, Waihi, Ngatea, Hauraki and Coromandel communities.
Important – please read this We at Vitalise are building a website to represent all of the communities listed above. and are happy to list your offer. Simply give us the details of the offer on this form and it will be listedhere
Please ensure that you give us an accurate time and date for your offer to expire – it is important that visitors toVitalisesee only offers that are current. Please note:we will do our best to design a listing exactly as you want it, but can take no responsibility for any losses (financial or other) caused by inaccuracies or non-appearance of your listing. By listing a Special Offer onVitaliseyou are agreeing to these terms.
Vitaliseis sponsored by Photo Factory Thames. 507 Pollen Street if you need help with a listing or want more information on how to use this community resource please call in.