
Free Stuff

If you can help someone in the community with Free Stuff, please tell us here

Thames Central Kids Kindergarten
308 Grey Street Thames
Phone 07 868 7797

We have 20 free hours for 2-6 year olds
(conditions apply).
We provide quality early childhood education where children can play, learn and grow
in a happy environment.

Starts 1st March 2023

This listing has expired

This is an ongoing offer!

This listing has expired


All members of Vitalise
can get up to 20 pages of
black/white A4 photocopying free.
Just call into the office at 507 Pollen Street.
If you're not a member yet, you can
join the group and get your
free photocopying at the same time.

Support your local community groups!

We are building a Donations Page,
where the community will be able to help
support our local not-for-profit groups
(community groups, sports clubs etc.)
If you represent such a group, please call in
to 507 Pollen Street to see how we can help
the community support the work you do.

If you can offer free goods or services to others in the community, please click below to
let everyone know!

support local
support local
Vitalise is YOUR Information Centre!

Find all you need at www.vitalise.kiwi