Optional Web Page on Thamesonline

if you need to explain more about your business or organisation than we can put in a free listing, consider a full page hosted on Thamesonline.
At just $5 per week, this can provide far greater depth of information,
more pictures of what you do, 
and a form visitors can use to email enquiries direct to you.

Although your web page is hosted on our servers, 
you can use a specific URL on your business cards and
other advertising material to send people direct to your page.

This means that you will get promotion to people visiting Thamesonline,
and those who receive your business cards and other advertising.
Effectively you have your own website with its own address.
This will be (your name).tol.nz

Cost for a full Thamesonline web page is just $5 per week,
and this includes hosting.
You can save the cost of your own domain name (typically $25 per year)
and external hosting.
A once-only charge applies to set up your web page,
and this is usually just $100.


You can see here the free listing for
Hiway Driveways.
These listings can take people directly to
your full web page on Thamesonline.
Click on their business card
to see what we can do for you
for just $5 per week

Diamond Grid is a new direction
in surface stabilisation

Diamond Grid products are made from recycled plastics, and create a permeable and cost-effective surface to improve visibility on roads, create hard surfaces for any rural, civil construction and mining and landscape applications.
Eliminates mud, erosion and run-offs.

Call James 027 621 2815 Email: hiwaydriveway@gmail.com

Please click on business card to go to Diamond Grid’s 
Web Page on Thamesonline

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