A permanently free listing is available for every business and community group in Thames.
This listing is accessed from a menu of all local enterprises as shown here.
For demonstration purposes, we have shown the
‘Business needs and Computers’ menu below.
Click ‘Business needs and computers’ to show the businesses advertising in this category.
Click ‘Printing services’ to see samples of free listings.
If you need to say more than we can fit on a free listing,
just get a full web page.
This will have far more information, photo, contact details, and an email contact form if required.
A graphic of your choice will be used on the menu page, and will lead visitors directly to your web page.
Cost is from $100 to set up, and $5 per week.
Photo Factory Thames sponsors Thamesonline for the community.
Check out their products below
Find all you need at www.vitalise.kiwi