If you would like to discuss
Vitalise advertising
or Photo Factory products,
please call in
to see Jono or Bevan at
507 Pollen Street Thames
(4 doors North of BNZ)

Q: Who built Vitalise, and why did they do it?
A: Photo Factory, because we have great communities,
and everyone needs to know what is available locally!
Vitalise has been designed for our local community by Photo Factory,
which is a local business and can be found at 507 Pollen Street Thames.
Photo Factory’s owners are Bevan Brook and Jono Deadman, both Thames locals.
Among other services we build and host websites, and decided that we’d like to
build one for our local community that could give everyone the ability to tell
everyone else about what they do, what is available locally, what they want
to donate to others, their garage sales, their job searches and much more.
Also, advertise the events that are being held by their sports clubs, community groups
and special interest groups.
To make all this available to everyone in the community it was necessary to build and maintain
the website on a free-to-use basis, not restrict it to individuals or groups that had an advertising budget.
So free listings are available for all the above.
We do offer full web pages for groups who need more than what we can offer them on a free listing,
and these cost just $5 per week,with hosting included.
All free listings and web pages are available for view 24/7.
Free Listings: these are set up free, and hosted on the website free.
Every free listing can link to a web page or external website.
Web pages: these usually cost $200 to set up, and are charged at $5 per week.
Use the buttons below to get more information or to get started on Vitalise.
If you would like to discuss
Vitalise advertising
or Photo Factory products,
please call in
to see Jono or Bevan at
507 Pollen Street Thames
(4 doors North of BNZ)
Find all you need at www.vitalise.kiwi