If you can offer free goods or services to others in the community, please click below to
let everyone know!

Refined Plant.ed Foods
at the Thames Markets (most Saturdays)
beside Coco Cafe.
Refined Sugar Free breakfasts, treats,
bread and more!!


A great group of men who put back into the community.
They also do up things like pushbikes and give them to our local kids whose parents struggle to buy them one.
See their wooden toys at fantastic prices at Thames Treasures Indoor Market

Our call centre team is operating 24/7
at all alert levels through COVID-19.
If you're worried about the wellbeing of a child,
give us a call on 0508 326 459

In an abusive relationship? Click the button below to get help on a safe, untracked site

Thames Camera Club

This space can be yours!

Thank you
for supporting the community
by shopping local!

Help tell the community
about Vitalise
by sharing to
your Facebook page


Kerepehi Brass Band Inc

Thames Workingmen's Club
407 Cochrane Street Thames

The "Workies" is the perfect Final Farewell venue as it offers:
Bar at club prices
Wheelchair access
Catering at affordable prices
Large screen TV
for a live video feed

Call (07) 868 6416 ext. 2
or email
for more information

Get Great Business Cards from Vitalise

Local cards we make are made available to the public in our office

Attention All Men
Make New Friends

Be involved with Fellowship with other men

Come and enjoy
a delicious home cooked dinner and dessert for just $15.
Listen to interesting guest speakers.
WHEN..... always the FOURTH Thursday of every month
March to November 5:30pm to 8:30pm
WHERE...... St George's Church HallMackay Street Thames
For further details, contact Murray Speed 0210 2436 387
Note this fellowship group is open to anyone.
You can belong to any church, or no church at all.
Bring along your men friends or men from your family..

Hey kids! Join us after school every Tuesday and get building with everyone's favourite plastic bricks! Get involved with fun challenges or choose to build your own unique creations.
Brick Building Clubs are free at our libraries and take place every week during term at Thames Library and Mercury Bay Library.

Wanted: Stallholders offering
locally produced,
quality products

Thames Rotary and Goldfields have teamed up to develop a monthly farmers market located in the heart of Thames. 
Currently the two organisations are seeking interest from parties that may wish to establish a stall at the proposed market.
As a fund-raiser for the Rotary Club of Thames, all proceeds from the market will be returned to community projects.
Those behind the concept said the focus will be on locally produced quality products. Food and beverages will headline the market while consideration will be given to other items which will enhance the market experience.
Rotary Club spokesperson Susanna Kruger said both the club and Goldfields want to provide an opportunity for local producers to display and sell from market stalls to residents and visitors.
She said Goldfields provided a central location along with the opportunity of the market not being impacted by weather as it could be housed indoors if required.
“The thing for us now is to determine potential stallholders and have discussions with them to get them on board.
“Market day will be the last Sunday of each month with stalls being open from 9am to Noon.
“We believe this is an excellent opportunity not just for Thames, but our entire region. We have taken consideration from other successful Farmer’s Markets throughout New Zealand and believe Thames, the Coromandel Peninsula and Hauraki Plains is perfect when considering our many local
producers combined with support from our residents and visitors.
“Quality and fun are two key drivers for us,” said Susanna.
Rotary and Goldfields now want to hear from any producers who are interested in finding out more and potentially having a stall at the market.
Those interested can contact John Freer at 0274839426 or management@goldfieldsshops.co.nz.

We are looking for stall holders and vendors for our new Waitakaruru market held at the Waitakaruru community hall on the last Saturday of each month from 9 - 1. Stall fees will be $10. We are looking for everything, secondhand goods, food trucks/caravan arts, crafts. Tea and coffee will be supplied for all stall holders. If your interested in having a stall contact Bronwyn on 0224974031.
First market will be Saturday the 31st of July.

Thames Coromandel
District Librariesi

Do you have some spare produce that's free to a good home?
Feel free to drop off any extra produce you might have, and take what you need, from Thames Library's Sharing Shelf.
Our shelf in the foyer and the edible gardens outside
are here for the community to enjoy.
Keep an eye out for Shana's handy gardening tips!


Needles N Pins have some very cute book panels in store with a
co- ordinating print. Great for Christmas gifts or I love you gifts. Panels are $28 each and fabric is $30 per meter.

The noticeboard is for everyone in Thames, Paeroa, Waihi, Ngatea and Hauraki.
If there's something you want the rest of us to know, use the button below to give us details.


Thames Community Centre

One of the things we do at the Thames Community Centre is to help Thames folk to get their driver’s licenses. We fundraise to pay for lessons, defensive driving courses and license fees, we’ll also help with getting photo ID’s and other documents needed to sit the tests. The people that receive this assistance give an agreed amount of voluntary time back to the community and the centre organises this. We have people volunteering here at the centre
and with other organisations we work with.
We realised some of the learner drivers couldn’t move to restricted because they didn’t have a car or qualified driver to practice with. So thanks to Wayne Richards and Valley Toyota the centre now has a car it can use for practice and we’ve got some great fully qualified drivers
– we call them our mentors -
who will help the drivers with their practice.
We’ve just begun the first group of learners in the practice car and we are looking for more people who want to get their restricted, need some assistance and are willing to do some volunteer work. Please get in touch with the centre at tcrc@xtra.co.nz ,
or text Jeff at 0278689797
to set up an appointment at the centre.

Support your local community groups!

We are building a Donations Page,
where the community will be able to help
support our local not-for-profit groups
(community groups, sports clubs etc.)
If you represent such a group, please call in to 507 Pollen Street to see how
we can help the community
support the work you do.

Kerepehi Brass Band

Want to learn a Brass Instrument?
How great is our junior group coming along!! Every Tuesday afternoon we offer brass lessons at the band hall for beginning and learning
brass players or all ages.
We are grateful to have an experienced teacher
by the name of Clive running our lessons.
Please contact us
if you or your child wants to learn!!!


Karis Healing
Oracle card readings and Energy Healings

Gentle intuitive process
In these uncertain times I can get to the core issue and help you in the process of becoming unstuck
Call Lalena 022 427 8049
Email: karishealing@gmail.com

Seagull Centre Thames

The Seagull Centre is an award-winning, registered charitable trust and has been operating from the Thames site since 2004.
Operating as a social enterprise, the Seagull Centre is a community recycling and resource recovery facility generating revenue from the sale of goods and materials contributed by the local community. By diverting waste from landfill, the Seagull Centre is a self-funded operation providing local employment and affordable goods. The centre also provides education and training services on enviromental management and assisting training students into work. Where possible, the centre also contributes goods and grant funding to other organisations.
The Seagull Centre has gone through a major development to establish a Resource Recovery Park and will effectively be doubling operations to significantly increase it impact of waste diversion from landfill. A workshop is part of the expansion where donated goods can be reconditioned or upcycled for sale.
The Resource Recovery Park development has included the relocation (recycling!) of two disused classrooms from a local primary school which are used for workshop space and skills training in the repair and rejuvenation of furniture, appliances and other equipment.
Domestic traffic bound for the Refuse Transfer Station to dump unwanted goods is now directed through the expanded Seagull Centre where staff will help customers sort out furniture and equipment that can be sold at the centre's shop or reconditioned in the new workshop.
If you are interested in being involved as a volunteer, call into the centre and talk to our staff. It is regarded as one of the most popular businesses in town and there is always lots happening.

We are excited to announce our de sexing and microchipping campaign for the Thames/Coromandel/Hauraki area!
We are working with Hauraki Vets to offer heavily discounted de sexing and microchipping for the Thames/Coromandel/Hauraki area for Community Services Cardholders.
Cat-owners who have a Community Services Card can Snip ‘n’ Chip their female cats for $30 and their male cats for $25!
This is a limited time offer that is available until bookings run out.
Visit SPCA Thames Centre now WITH YOUR Community Services Card to purchase your Snip ‘n’ Chip voucher!
There are LIMITED numbers available so GET IN QUICK.
PLEASE NOTE: Vouchers can ONLY be purchased by visiting the SPCA Centre, not by calling us or by messaging us on Facebook. You will then need to book your cat/kitten in with Hauraki vets once you have purchased a voucher. Some conditions do apply.


GPS and Javascript
I have written a GPS page in HTML and Javascript which needs refining.
I would really appreciate assistance
from someone who has experience in this field.
Please contact Mark:
Phone: 028 408 1004
Email: mloc@outlook.co.nz

Thames Museum

Twenty eight years ago, 6th March 1994,
the Suffrage Memorial Garden was opened on the Thames Museum Reserve as part of celebrating
100 years of women having the right to vote in NZ.
The garden was opened by Mayoress Joan Thompson
and dedicated by Archdeacon Graham Colley.
Mrs Pam Gwynne and her daughter Jeannie
provided planning assistance.
Today, the garden is 'tired' and in need of a revamp.
Thames Museum volunteers have accepted the challenge!
We will provide updates on progress,
with information as to how you may be able to help.

Thanks to Thames Library
for the background info and photos.


Free Photocopying!!

Vitalise members
can get up to 20 pages of
B/W photocopying FREE
- see us at 507 Pollen Street

Thames Small Gauge Railway

Hello Train Lovers.......
Click button below to see
our new operating hours!


This year GreyTech will be held Thursdays from 10:00am-10:35am in the Fiction side of
Thames High School Library.We're looking forward to helping you with all your tech, whether that be answering questions, installing apps or anything else you might need help with.

Thames Valley Tangata Ora Trust


Thames Probus Club

a social club for retirees
in the local community

Come enjoy the
friendship, fun and fellowship
Meetings are held at Richmond Villas
82 Richmond Street
2nd Tuesday of every month at 10am
for more information
please phone 027 287 1042

Thames Carboot Market
Last Saturday of every month
Twentyman’s Carpark   opp. Fire Station
8:00am – 1:00pm
See you there!!


Looking for community involvement?
Welcome to the Thames Community Club


Use this form to send us something for the Vitalise Noticeboard.
Maximum of 30 words, and we need your name,
phone number and email address
to confirm your identity if necessary.
Remember: if you haven't already joined as a member of Vitalise,
you can do this anytime.

Vitalise  is for all of us,
and ready to use now!
If you would like help 
making a listing,
please call in to see us at
507 Pollen Street Thames 

Local Business Photo Factory started building the Vitalise website during lockdown in 2021.
It is designed to give everyone in Thames, Paeroa, Waihi, 
Ngatea and Hauraki a voice within our community. 

Businesses, community groups, sports clubs and individuals
can now use the website to post their news

and details to the above community.
Everything from garage sales and free stuff to Special Deals from local businesses can be listed, and we are always happy to help if you need some assistance with using the website.
See us at 507 Pollen Street Thames.

click card to contact Jono for technical stuff
click card to contact Bevan for design stuff
Vitalise is YOUR Information Centre!

Find all you need at www.vitalise.kiwi