
Free listings provide
the name of your business,
a photo of your choice,
a short description of
the services you provide,
contact details
and a link to your
Facebook page or website.

Need help with a listing?
See us at 507 Pollen Street

Below are samples of Business Listings

Gutter clean 
Insect and spider control
Driveway and concrete cleaning
Window cleaning
Moss and mould treatments etc.

Wash Rite is New Zealand’s premier House and Commercial exterior washing company, and is now right here on the Coromandel Peninsula.
Call today for a free quote!
Jason 0800 101 216    Mobile 027 581 4752
Email: jason@washrite.co.nz

McNaught Garden Services

For all your garden and grounds needs
Concrete edging
Driveway edging
General garden maintenance
Call Dean: 027 546 7160

Below are samples of Community Group Listings

Teen Esteem Workshops

Workshops for students aged 10 -16.
We help prepare our young people for the upcoming adventure that is the rest of their lives. By providing them skills to deal with conflict and struggles, and to improve their self-esteem and leadership skills,
they leave our workshops
confident, fuelled and ready to go!

Phone: 027 777 4735
Email: teenesteemworkshops@gmail.com

Thames Citizen's Advice
301d Queen Street Thames

At the CAB we try to help people to know and understand their rights and obligations and how to use this information to get the best outcomes, provide people with the confidence and support they need to take action, and work for positive social change within communities and wider society. We provide a free and independent service to all.  

Thames Valley Tangata Ora Trust

Support Advocacy Advice Workshops Navigation of systems such as WINZ Health & Disability and more..... Our mission is to enable people to navigate support systems and empower them to build pathways towards wellbeing. Our volunteers and staff are passionate about empowering people to know their rights and navigate systems in the Social Service, Health and Disability and Employment sectors. We also provide workshops, meetings and social gatherings and support networks with the aim of reducing social isolation from people from all walks of life. We also have a Social Enterprise by way of the sale of Mobility Products, and a shop with opportunities for others to sell in a shared space.
Your contact: Robyn Pengelly
Phone 07 868 7723 Mobile 027 383 1117
Email: tvtot2017@gmail.com
607 MacKay Street Thames (opp. Thames Hospital)

Age Concern Hauraki-Coromandel promote and deliver services to support the wellbeing of older people in our community.
We have over 120 volunteers supporting the work we do.
We are governed by a volunteer Board.
We run an Accredited Visiting Service, where we match volunteer visitors with vulverable older adults to help address loneliness and isolation.
We run Chin-Wag Cafe, which is a weekly social gathering where people who live alone or feel alone can attend for company and conversation.
We are also a 'Drop in' or 'telephone' information service to help with concerns, questions and enquiries.

608 Queen Street
Glenis Bell
Phone: 07 868 9790
Email: thamesmanager@ageconcern.gen.nz


Below are samples of Sports Club Listings

Kauaeranga Mountain Bike Trust

Free, challenging mountain bike trail at the
Hotoritori camp in the Kauaeranga Valley.
New members and helpers are welcomed.
contact: John Scollay
Phone: 07 868 6837
Mobile: 027 272 8990
Email: gee.jays@xtra.co.nz

Thames Golf Club

Phones:  Office 07 868 8831
Pro Shop 07 868 9062

Thames Golf Club is situated on SH26 about 6kms from Thames
on the Paeroa side of Kopu.

It is an attractive 18 hole course featuring flat, tree-lined fairways interwoven with fairways  on more challenging terrain.
We have a fully stocked golf shop, with hire clubs and trundlers available.
Club repairs and Re-gripping available
Oversize putter grips – work like magic
Talk to Brenda and get that little edge on your opponents.
(Quality waterproof Footjoys in stock – keep your feet dry this Winter)
Our professional coach is Brenda Ormsby, well-known women’s golfer and many times national champion.
Group or individual coaching sessions are available on request
Phone 07 868 9062
CAMPERVANS parking overnight
Park $5   Showers $5      Power $5

Below are samples of Church Listings

Equippers Church Thames
Thames Racecourse
511 Parawai Road

Phone: 07 868 9438
Email: thames@equippers church

St George Anglican Church

600 Mackay Street Thames
Sunday Services: 9.30am
Thursday Eucharist 10.00am
Hall and Church hire
Contact: The Rev'd Brendon Wilkinson
Phone: 07 868 6267 Mobile: 022 556 710
Email: vicar@thamesanglicanchurch.co.nz

Below are samples of Job Listings

Kaiaua School is looking for a reliable cleaner for the school.
Commencing Monday 21st June.
8 hours per week, school terms only.
Some flexibility in days and hours worked each day.
Applications close Sunday 3:00pm
For further information or to apply,
Email principal@kaiaua.school.nz

Listing valid from

this listing has started

Listing will show until

this listing has expired

Part time Front of House Person
Gastronomics Restaurant is looking for
a permanent part-time front of house person.
Must be able to work Friday and Saturday nights.
428 Pollen Street Thames
Call 07 868 9407

Listing valid from

this listing has started

Listing will show until

this listing has expired

Below are samples of Event Listings

Expressions of interest are wanted for exhibits from the local area, Hauraki, Coromandel

Expressions of interest only at this stage
- we will be in touch with further details.
Thank you.

Below are samples of Heritage Listings

The Treasury
705 Queen Street

The Treasury is a family and heritage research and archive facility run by the Coromandel Heritage Trust.
Our comprehensive resources cover Coromandel Peninsula and Hauraki Plains and extend south of Te Aroha to Waiorongomai.
Our aim is to collect and preserve material, and make these resources available to everyone.
Please visit our website for opening times
and more information about The Treasury.
Phone: 07 868 8827
Email: info.thetreasury.org.nz

Thames Museum
cnr Cochrane and Pollen Streets

Thames Museum showcases the town's history, community and people from its pre-European origins, through the gold mining years - 1867 to the early 1900's - to the 1960's.
The Museum is open Friday to Wednesday, 10:00am to 3:00pm.
Groups are welcome by prior arrangement.
Admission: Adults $5 Children $2
Thames Museum is run entirely by volunteers of
Thames Museum Society Inc.
If you are keen on local history, enjoy meeting people and would like to become a volunteer, please contact us.
We look forward to meeting you at Thames Museum.

Phone: 07 868 8509 Email: thamesmuseum@xtra.co.nz
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