Osteopathic Treatments
ACC Injuries registration/treatments
Sport Injuries
Postural Assessments
Myofascial Treatments
Kinesio Taping
Clinical Pilate
ACC approved practitioner
Phone: 021 629 090
GROW is a uniquely structured community health movement.
Its Program of Personal Growth, Group Method and Caring and Sharing Community have all been developed from the findings of former mental health sufferers in the course of rebuilding their lives after mental breakdown.
The groups were, in fact, first known as Recovery Groups. This name was subsequently changed to GROW in order to meet the groups’ services in prevention as well as in rehabilitation, and even more broadly for a popular school of life and leadership for mental health.
GROW is anonymous, non-denominational and open to all. Its groups are run by their own members, sometimes with the friendly co-operation of a doctor, social worker, minister of religion or any mature member of the community.
GROW groups vary in size from 3 to 15 members. Meetings are held weekly, last 2 hours and are followed by refreshments. No membership fees or dues are charged. Contributions at the end of group meetings are strictly voluntary.
No introductions are needed. Just come along.
For more information, contact Sandy 021 049 1360
Working with our body’s natural cell regeneration. we CAN regain health
by helping this process to take place.
If we are still breathing there is HOPE we can get better by giving our body what it needs and removing as much of the toxicity (stress, poisons etc) as possible.
It may take time and changes, but isn’t it worth some small (or bigger) sacrifices
to feel better and live a happier life?
phone Wayne, your local microcurrent therapist 027 236 1724
Physiotherapy, massage, exercise rehabilitation
Richard Barlow
580b Pollen Street Thames
Phone: 027 225 9426
Email: hello@thewellnesslab.co.nz
Light Mind
176 Tapu Coroglen Road
Stress Management
Mind Management
Meditation Training
Jessica Labesehr
Phone: 07 868 4744 Mobile: 022 355 0775
Email: connect@light-mind.org
Find all you need at www.vitalise.kiwi