401 Brown Street Thames
Ride a miniature steam train along a scenic coastal track!
Toddler Time is a fun-filled half an hour for toddlers to learn and play with stories, music, rhymes and activities.
It’s also a wonderful way to socialise tots
with both other toddlers and adults.
We meet every Thursday at 9:30am at Thames Library during term time.
Until December 10th
The Club meets on the
third Wednesday of every month
(excluding December and January)
downstairs in the Wintec building
414 Queen Street Thames
Contact: Tina Haakma
027 225 8779
The Program of
Growth to Maturity
World Community
Mental Health Movement
GROW holds meetings in Thames every Tuesday and Friday.
Meetings last two hours, and are followed by refreshments.
Groups vary in size from 3 to 15 members.
No membership fees or dues are charged – contributions at the end of group meetings are strictly voluntary.
No introductions are needed. Just come along.
For Tuesday meetings, contact Patti 021 233 3184
For Friday meetings contact Annie 07 868 9284
307 Mary Street Thames
Bingo, Quizzes, Movies, Speakers,
Entertainment, Short Outings,
Afternoon Tea
Mobility Van Pick-up available
Meets every Tuesday 1.00pm – 3.00pm
All welcome – $3.00 includes afternoon tea
President: Judy Walsh
Mobile: 021 0253 0462
Email: judithwalsh13@yahoo.co.nz
Peninsula Prime Meats Open
1st Thursday of every month
Find all you need at www.vitalise.kiwi