
Living Well Trust walks alongside our community - running the Thames Foodbank, a drop-in space for connection and youth programmes that build resilience, confidence and well-being through mentoring and adventure-based learning.

Thames Taxis
(07) 868 3100

Teen Esteem Workshops

Workshops for students aged 10 -16.
We help prepare our young people for the upcoming adventure that is the rest of their lives. By providing them skills to deal with conflict and struggles, and to improve their self-esteem and leadership skills,
they leave our workshops
confident, fuelled and ready to go!

Phone: 027 777 4735
Email: teenesteemworkshops@gmail.com

Thames Citizen's Advice
301d Queen Street Thames

At the CAB we try to help people to know and understand their rights and obligations and how to use this information to get the best outcomes, provide people with the confidence and support they need to take action, and work for positive social change within communities and wider society. We provide a free and independent service to all.  

Stuck in the
cost of living crisis?

Call us!!


(07) 868 5964
027 970 7076

Free and confidential service.
We help families and individuals to manage their own financial affairs.
Ring for appointment for any type of budgeting, debts, insolvency etc.
Advice and education on money matters.
415 Pollen Street Thames
(opposite Rabo Bank)
Phone: 07 868 5964
PO Box 358 Thames 3540
Email: thbuds@gmail.com

The Thames club was chartered in 2018, which makes us a youngster
in this organisation which was established in 1924.
While the format is formal, we are a friendly group whose purpose is to empower individuals
to become more effective communicators and leaders.
We achieve this with lots of support, encouragement and fun.
We meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month,
and we welcome visitors.
Meetings are at St James Centre Pahau Street Thames from 7:00pm to 8:30pm

Sovereign Companion Driving

Sovereign Companion Driving is a companion driving service to assist people with their mobility and transport needs in the Thames area.
I provide assistance with transport to and from appointments, shopping and general outings or out for coffee.
Cost is $25.00 per hour.
A mileage fee applies for travel out of town.
I have been able to operate through all of the Covid levels as this service is classed as an essential service.
I have had over 8 years experience in community healthcare so am familiar with mobility aids for the elderly etc.
I have also been Police vetted, and the vehicle is certified safe for transporting the public.
You can call or text me and ask for more information.

Debbie Miller
027 325 7398


Family Safety Services is committed to providing support for peaceful families living in peaceful communities.
415 Pollen Street

Mark Ambler
Phone: 07 868 8320
Email: manager.fss@xtra.co.nz


Pick it up! now

Pick it up! now is about influencing a culture change
to get people to pick up rubbish rather than walk past it.
It is about inspiring ways of reducing waste by making better
and more informed choices when we consume ,
and by promoting re-using what can be re-used and refusing what can't be.
Jo Sanderson
Phone: 07 868 6437
Mobile: 022 050 3005
Email: info@pickitupnow.co.nz

Age Concern Hauraki-Coromandel promote and deliver services to support the wellbeing of older people in our community.
We have over 120 volunteers supporting the work we do.
We are governed by a volunteer Board.
We run an Accredited Visiting Service, where we match volunteer visitors with vulverable older adults to help address loneliness and isolation.
We run Chin-Wag Cafe, which is a weekly social gathering where people who live alone or feel alone can attend for company and conversation.
We are also a 'Drop in' or 'telephone' information service to help with concerns, questions and enquiries.

608 Queen Street
Glenis Bell
Phone: 07 868 9790
Email: thamesmanager@ageconcern.gen.nz


Thames Valley Tangata Ora Trust

Support Advocacy Advice Workshops Navigation of systems such as WINZ Health & Disability and more..... Our mission is to enable people to navigate support systems and empower them to build pathways towards wellbeing. Our volunteers and staff are passionate about empowering people to know their rights and navigate systems in the Social Service, Health and Disability and Employment sectors. We also provide workshops, meetings and social gatherings and support networks with the aim of reducing social isolation from people from all walks of life. We also have a Social Enterprise by way of the sale of Mobility Products, and a shop with opportunities for others to sell in a shared space.
Your contact: Robyn Pengelly
Phone 07 868 7723 Mobile 027 383 1117
Email: tvtot2017@gmail.com
607 MacKay Street Thames (opp. Thames Hospital)

Social work supervision for registered social workers and community workers who are working towards a social work qualification/registration. Mentoring workers through the many diverse roles of social work/community work etc.

Stepping Out Hauraki

Mental health and addictions service

Mental Health and Addictions Service
100 Sealey Street Thames
Phone: (07) 868 5595
Mobile: 027 7837 688
Freephone: 0800 127 877
Email: stepout@xtra.co.nz

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