Equippers Church Thames
507 Mackay Street

Phone: 07 868 9438
Email: thames@equippers church

Hauraki Plains Co-operating Parish

Presbyterian - Methodist - Anglican
'All welcome'
Sundays 9:30am
Holy Communion
1st and 2nd Sunday
An inclusive, encouraging community of faith.
'Come and See'
Church Office: (07) 867 8466

St George Anglican Church

600 Mackay Street Thames
Sunday Services: 9.30am
Thursday Eucharist 10.00am
Hall and Church hire
Contact: The Rev'd Brendon Wilkinson
Phone: 07 868 6267
Mobile: 022 556 710
Email: vicar@thamesanglicanchurch.co.nz

Thames Aglow


Everyone is welcome at our meetings.
We have a speaker
on the 4th Friday of each month
10:00am to12:00 noon
with a shared lunch to follow.

Prayer and discussion group
on the 2nd Friday of each month
from 10:00am
after which we go out together for lunch.
Meetings are held at 415 Parawai Road Thames

Paeroa Co-operating Parish

Christ centred and community facing

2 Mackay Street
Phone: (07) 862 6110
Email: admin@pc.org.nz

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