
Transport Training NZ

Heavy Vehicle Driver Training

Driver Licensing and endorsement courses

Are you sick of having to go out of town to get staff trained or upskilled?
Are you looking to upgrade to a heavier class of Drivers Licence
or require a specialised Driver Licence endorsement?
With over 10 years of driver training experience, I can help you into that
heavier class of licence or endorsement or provide your company with local training.
No more travelling out of town to upskill. Give me a call if I can help.

NZTA Approved Course Provider Classes 2-5
Dangerous Goods Endorsements
Wheels, Tracks, Roller and Forklift Endorsements
Forklift OSH Certificates
Pre-Employment, Post-Accident, Annual Driver Assessments

Les Ballard
196 School Road
O21 752 343

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